Tuesday, September 20, 2011

so long sweet summer round 2

Can someone please tell we where the summer went? At least we have all the shows with new episodes gearing up. Yay for new episodes! Thank you to the tv networks making summer leave suck a little less!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Shows I love

I am recently addicted to some awesome shows! My top 2 are Pretty Little Liars and Greek. I love Pretty Little Liars , not only is it entertaining, but it is also suspenseful. I love watching every week and see if they get closer to finding out who "A" is. Make sure you check it out every Monday night at 8pm on ABC family!

Sunday, August 29, 2010

So long sweet summer

I can't believe the summer is already gone. I start back to school tomorrow and it makes me sad to think that the summer flew by so quick. It seems the older I get the faster the time flies by. I guess people who say live your life because it goes by too quickly know what they are talking about. I'm not getting any younger so I really need to start making some progress on my "bucket list". Kind of funny that thinking about the summer ending, makes me think about life passing me by. Starting tomorrow I will start living my life to the fullness. :)

Monday, July 12, 2010


What LeBron did to Cleveland and the fans is horrible. The way he did was the worst PR move ever. Even though I am upset that he left, I believe in karma. He will get what he deserves one way or the other.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010


While do people cheat and think they are not going to get caught? I think if you have any thoughts about cheating while in a relationship you need get out of that relationship. People who cheat and still say they love that person is full of it. One does not cheat on someone they truely love. Why hurt someone that you"love"? Get over yourself and move on.